Friday, December 08, 2006


Cherry: Who said that? Who wrote it? Because I would like to Fri**ing know NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who ever did, you need to tell me, oviously we have issues!

If it was Sareal, then I WASN'T TALKING ABOUT YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CHEYENNE WAS THE FRI**ING ONE WHO PRACTICLY DID SAY IT!!! NOT YOU! SO, UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Allison Grace said...

okay, allison, i DIDN'T SAY IT. what the heck is your guys problem these days? I have no idea what I did to YOU. I totally miss you guys times 10.

Allison Grace said...

by the way, cheyenne said that.

just to let you know. *huff*

Allison Grace said...

by the way, i was the one who said that i said it.

*mad face* >:(

DitzyLove (CHEY...) said...

sorry. i lubb you.